Elizabeth Loescher founded The Conflict Center in the basement of her home in 1987. Early formative work for TCC over the first five years, took place in the spare rooms in her basement, with files kept in the bunk beds. Meetings were held in Liz’s living room and back patio. Soon the neighbors reported to the city that a business was being run out of Liz’s residence and the City issued a Cease & Desist Order. Liz was so proud that TCC had grown this much and this quickly!
Soon the organization moved to a space in Claire Gardens, a HUD Housing complex, where TCC shared space in the gymnasium and outgrew that space within five years. The current building was donated by the Piton Foundation in 1997, at which time Liz led a major Capital Campaign to renovate and move to the current permanent location on Tejon Street.
Liz retired from TCC in 2003, leaving her legacy of programming for schools through her Peacemaking Made Practical curricula for both elementary and secondary schools; creating skill building curricula for both youth and adults; creating a parenting book, How to Avoid World War Three at Home; establishing widespread use of Reading for Peace in elementary schools; in addition to building a strong Board of Directors and a loyal base of funders, donors, volunteers and staff.
Liz’s legacy lives on today through solid core organizational values, solid program approaches, and strong and simple words of wisdom that have continued to guide and inspire TCC’s work over many years.
Thanks to the leadership and support of Sue Haskell we will honor Liz with a permanent plaque in the building. Please join us to hear and tell stories of TCC’s history and connect with long-time and new TCC folks. RSVP to Ronnie Weiss by clicking the button above. Hope to see you at TCC!
Happy Hour: 4:30pm
Presentation: 5:30pm
Location: 4140 Tejon Street Denver, CO 80211