The Conflict Center believes that anger and conflict are normal parts of life. Anywhere there are people, there is going to be conflict. People of all ages need the tools and skills we teach to stop violence by talking things out, solving problems creatively and building healthy relationships.
Your donations keep us at the center of skill-building and ensures that our programs are available and accessible to people of all ages, races, genders, economic levels, lifestyles and beliefs.
Donations can be made by cash, check, debit or credit card. Online donations can be made by clicking the button below and choosing The Conflict Center for your donation. Gifts can be designated for a specific program or for general operating and are tax deductible.
By donating you can also choose to make a repeating monthly donation. This is the best and easiest way to increase your level of giving and to ensure consistent and ongoing support for The Conflict Center’s programs. Gifts can be designated for a specific program or for general operating and are tax deductible.
The Conflict Center has created the Seeds of Peace Endowment Fund for those donors who want to invest in the long-term future of The Conflict Center. The principle of this fund is managed by the Community First Foundation and is secured with only the interest being used for ongoing programming. Endowment gifts can be made by clicking the button below and designating it towards the Endowment Fund.
Simply put — we teach people to solve problems and build relationships. We want families, schools and communities to put themselves at the center of nonviolence. Our programs equip people with skills to navigate conflict productively.