We’ve been sharing resources to guide people through the various stages of this election season. Now you can find them all in one place! Whether you withdraw or dig in, there’s a resource here for you. If there is a printable resource available, you can click the image and it will take you to a PDF.
Contempt, Division and (Re)Finding Humanity During the Election Series
Use this reflection guide before, during and after a conversation with someone where a disagreement may arise. We can’t control someone else’s responses, but we can do self-work to reflect and respond in a way that displays care even in a disagreement.
Dialogue Not Disaster
A conversation you just had went from what seems like 0-60. You might ask yourself, how did we get here? Check out our Disaster to Dialogue tips to shift language from combative to listening.
You Can’t Unfriend Everybody
We all want to live into our values. The digital world creates a film where we can show up differently than we would in person. Read a few tips that we suggest for how to live into your values online and how to assess when to engage in dialogue.
Don’t Mind Me… I’ll Be Over Here Breathing
All of us could use a reminder to take care of ourselves this election season. Here’s our self-care tips image for some ideas!